McDonald's Wiki

Henry goodmaster Henry goodmaster 21 July



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HunterwindD HunterwindD 27 June

Why does this wiki have so many duplicate categories?

Forgive me... But what's the difference between Food and Menu items and Meals? And then there are Beverages and Drinks, don't they mean the same thing in the English context?

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100PerCentAccuracy 100PerCentAccuracy 15 June

haven't eaten mcdongle's in 48 hours and I'm sweating and shaking

hey guys

has anyone else had issues where they go two or more days without biting into a juicy gurger and they start shaking, twitching, vomiting, and experiencing severe anxiety??? I thought I could quit any time I wanted but clearly I might have a bit of a problem... plus I just got a letter in the mail that rondle mcdondle has drafted me into the McDonald's military as an infantry unit..

actively weeping,


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Yindeenia01 Yindeenia01 6 January


Hello community! I wish to adopt this wiki. If want me to do so then please so me your support.

  • Make sure this wiki provides accurate information
  • Merge with the newly created CosMc's Wiki
  • Add more features to this wiki that it desperately needs (eg, discussions tab)

Ask me in the comments below.

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